This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other CAI San Diego events.
Save the date
Save the dateFebruary 4, 20235:00 PM - 9:00 PM (PST) Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

Paradise Point Resort

1404 Vacation Road
San Diego, California

Show on map
Organizer: CAI San Diego
Contact Person: Amy Wun
Event Details
Event Details

Join us as we celebrate the Chapter's 40th Anniversary and recognize excellence in our industry. Attendees encouraged to dress in RED to make the event true Ruby Soiree!

This event is SOLD OUT. To be put on a wait list to attend, please contact Amy Wun at or call 858-836-1119 ext. 2.

  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

    Cocktail Reception

    Cocktail Reception

    6:00 PM - 6:30 PM

    Dinner Service Starts

    Dinner Service Starts

    6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

    Awards Presentation

    Awards Presentation

    7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

    Dance the Night Away

    Dance the Night Away

Award Nominations
Award Nominations

Nominate Excellence in Our Industry!

Click on the AWARDS NOMINATIONS FORM and complete no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, January 20, 2023.

Nominees will be compiled and forwarded to CAI's Awards Selection Committee who will vote for the award recipient for each category. Recipients will be recognized at the Awards Gala

Criteria for Nominations:

1. All nominees must be members in good standing of the San Diego Chapter.

2.  All nominators must be members in good standing of the San Diego Chapter.

3.  All nominees for an award must meet the specific criteria for that award or they will automatically be disqualified.

4.  All award nominators shall remain anonymous to the selection committee.

5.  No self-nominations are allowed.

6.  Current Chapter board members are not eligible to be nominated for awards.

7. The three highest scoring education programs based on evaluations shall be considered the Educational Program nominees.

8.  The Publications Committee shall select the top three articles for nomination.

9. Committee of the Year will be selected based on information provided by Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs.

10. The Awards Selection committee shall be made up of the current Chapter Executive Committee plus the immediate two Past Presidents who are currently members in good standing of the Chapter.

11. If any nominee is an employee of an Awards Selection Committee company, that Awards Selection Committee member will abstain from voting in the selection of that category.

12. Nominations will close at 5:00 pm Friday, January 20, 2023.



This award honors a newer member who has risen to challenges in an outstanding supporting role of CAI-San Diego this year through participation on a committee, the Board, or other volunteer capacity. 


This award will be presented to CAI San Diego members who went above and beyond in their dedication to volunteer/community service efforts in 2022.


This award will recognize members who have been actively involved in and dedicated to our industry for 20+ years.



A community that should be recognized for something phenomenal they did in 2022.


This award will be recognize members who have been exemplary in their involvement in the CAI San Diego chapter in 2022, going above and beyond to serve the Chapter.

Sponsors and Partners
Sponsors and Partners
Hotel Room Information
Hotel Room Information

Event attendees receive a 10% discount of prevailing room rate. To receive the discount, use code PPWR20. You can make reservations by calling: (855) 463-3361 or going online at Paradise Point Room Reservations

COVID-19 Policy
COVID-19 Policy

CAI San Diego follows all city, county and state mandates and guidelines for COVID-19. As of March 1, 2022, the Chapter will honor the county's policy that masks are suggested but not required for attendees.