Community Outreach – Race for Autism Register for this event at Join Waitlist Register
Event Details Please join CAI San Diego this April for the Annual Race for Autism SUPERhero Challenge and be a hero for those with autism!
The Race for Autism SUPERHERO 5K or 1 mile Family walk event. Our goal is to help raise autism awareness and funding to improve the outcomes and opportunities for individuals with autism within our community.
Visit Create a new account or login to your existing account. Select Join Team - Type CAI SD Cares, click "Join Team" Complete information (fundraising goal is your own personal goal) Enter coupon code: SUPER10 & complete payment information
Don't forget to dress up as your favorite superhero and use the hashtag #cai-sdcares on your social media posts!
For groups 5 or more, contact Gigi Grana at 619-405-6347 or email
Thank you for your support!
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