Every day, there are frightening stories in the news about active shooters. If an event occurred, what would you do? Do you have the information and confidence you need to help prepare for, survive and recover from an attack? Join us for a seminar to hear advice from Allied Universal's Regional Director of Training, Russell Mallette, CPP (via video presentation) and Regional Trainer Albert Carrillo, who will share detailed information and preparedness tips relating directly to your neighborhood, workplace or community.
Topics include:
Active Shooter trends, profiles and case studies
Evaluating your workplace and preparing a plan
Considerations surrounding Options-based response, improvised weapons and shooter psychology
Disciplinary and termination policies, access control and response practices
PLEASE NOTE: PowerPoint for this presentation is not available as a handout due to the program's proprietary nature.
Managers/Homeowners: If you need sponsoring for the event, please select the Sponsored Manager/Homeowner ticket. This option is for MEMBERS only.
Business Partners: Due to space limitations, only sponsoring Business Partners can attend the event. Sponsoring Business Partners can purchase one (1) additional Business Partner ticket for $59.
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Exhibitor Set Up
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Attendee Registration Opens & Trade Show
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch and Educational Program
Manager / Homeowner Attendee
If you need sponsorship to cover the attendee fee, please select this ticket option. Attendance is covered by our Network Sponsors and is NOT guaranteed. You will be notified if your complimentary attendance is approved no later than 48 hours prior to event. To guarantee your attendance spot, you can select the standard Manager and Homeowner Attendee ticket option for $19.
Non Member Attendee Ticket
• Includes two (2) company representatives
• Opportunity to purchase one (1) additional company representative tor a reduced rate
• Includes two (2) minutes of speaking time or pre-recorded video before the program begins
• Exclusive opportunity to put one (1) promotional item on all attendee tables.(Item to be approved by Chapter in advance of the event.)
• Company logo included on all table signs at attendee tables
• First choice of exhibit space (after Titanium, Platinum and CLAC Upgrade Sponsors)
• Logo on exclusive signage at event
• 6’ draped table for display of promotional items
• Includes one (1) attendee from your company
• Opportunity to purchase one (1) additional company attendee at a reduced rate
• Company logo featured on Chapter website event photo gallery
• Includes one (1) company attendee
• Opportunity to purchase one (1) additional company attendee at a reduced rate
• Company logo on signage at event tables
• Includes one (1) company attendee
• Opportunity to purchase one (1) additional company attendee at a reduced rate
• Help us make these programs available to all managers and homeowners who want to attend
• Includes one (1) company attendee
• Opportunity to purchase one (1) additional company attendee at a reduced rate
1 additional company attendee
MUST have purchased a sponsorship to be valid.
This does not include attendee ticket. CLAC Sponsors may purchase one (1) Additional Business Partner Attendee Ticket for $59.
100% of sponsorship supports the Chapters annual CLAC donation goal
Company name on table top sign at registration
Company name on event marketing material
Post-Event list of all attendees
CAI San Diego follows all city, county and state mandates and guidelines for COVID-19. As of March 1, 2022 the Chapter will honor the county's policy that masks are suggested but not required for attendees.